2 November 2013

Exchange Day 69

I did nothing today but watch an entire idol drama starring Victoria from f(x) and Zhou Mi from Super Junior M. This is why I don't follow dramas because once I start, I have to end it. There's no waiting, and I tend to skip away lots of parts as I'm only interested in finding out if the bad guy gets his just deserts and if the leads get together in the end. Like every idol drama, of course the leads got together in the end after a series of unimportant problems, which they could have solved long ago had they been more resolute, and the bad girl (in this case) became good again.

I got the poster off the Internet! It stars Calvin Chen and Shao Xiang as well! Victoria's really cute so it makes watching the very predictable Cinderella plot okay. 

Breakfast was three quarters of the blueberry and cream cheese baguette I bought from Familia Bakery yesterday. Familia is just outside Exit 6 of Hadan Station and sells delicious but pricey bread. It is however very generous in its sample portions so you sort of get your money's worth from sampling all their bread.

I didn't expect the bread to have cream cheese inside it because it wasn't mentioned on the bread's description label. Plus when I tasted it at the shop, there were only bits of blueberry and blueberry jam so the cream cheese came as a pleasant surprise. The baguette was quite tasty but I have to say everything tasted better as samples in the bakery.

Lunch was the remaining quarter of the baguette and two persimmons from yesterday! I bought a whole bag of persimmons for 5,000W and there were fifteen rock hard fruits inside that I could use to attack any robber that decides to mob me. They looked a little green and bruised (a marvel for something so hard) at first glance so I felt cheated by the friendly imo who told me that I won't regret it as they are delicious. Come to think of it, nobody would say otherwise about their own goods.

But since I already bought it, I thought I had to at least cut them open and try them before I decide if they are truly inedible. Surprisingly, they turned out to be crunchy and pretty tasty, although they were not as sweet as the softer ones I had in Singapore. But I like it! This shows that appearances may be deceiving and we can't judge a persimmon by its skin.

Sitting in front of the computer staring at it all day long is really bad and I could feel it in my bones so I decided to go down to the dormitory cafeteria for dinner, regardless of what was on the menu today, partly because I had no more food left in my room except for a bunch of fruits and I was too unmotivated to head down the mountain for food.

It turned out to be the worst decision I had ever made but at least I learnt (although through the hard way) that the 비빔밥 (bibimbab) here is truly inedible and not an exaggeration by my friends. The beef, rice and soup were okay, although they weren't particularly tasty but the vegetables really, let's just say I tried my best. I left out the hot sauce because I can't take spicy food and now I understand why it had to be there in the first place. Being a bit too raw (vegetables) is okay for me, I like vegetables so I'm not that adverse to its natural taste but tasting of soap really makes me wonder what goes on in that kitchen of yours.

Beef bibimbab for 2,300W.

Dinner was so bad I bought a chocolate bar to cheer myself up. It's similar to Top, where rice crispies are embedded inside the chocolate to give more texture to the creaminess, but this rice crisp tastes a little different from the usual. It tastes more like wheat, so I guess it could be healthier but it wasn't as satisfying as I thought it would be.

I shouldn't have stayed in sigh. Let's hope tomorrow will be better!

xoxo, ❀

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